What are Fortnite's Rare Skins? 03-2025

Looking for information about rare skins in Fortnite? Here you will find an overview of rare skins and an item store ranking of rare skins.

Are you currently looking for the rarest skin in Fortnite? Rare skins in Fortnite are a controversial subject.

The more you are not in a skin other than your own at the start of the game, the more superior you will feel. The more players who own a rare skin, the less likely they are to want it back.

New players want the chance to get all the skins they want.

Epic has made a compromise on the skulltrooper skins.
They are very rare skins and only available at certain times of the year. Older players have added styles that are not available to new buyers.

This is a good way to reward old players without keeping popular skins away from players who are new to the game.

What are the rarest Fortnite skins in the year 2025?

The most valuable skin in Fortnite is probably the Air Assault Trooper. The reason why is not because of the greatness of the skin. Most people would put Renegade Raider in first place, but if it were for sale, they would probably buy it. In other words, they are unlikely to purchase the Air Assault Trooper because of the overall well-made and bland costume.

Ranking Fortnite's Rarest Items

These are the skins listed that you might actually have a chance of getting. These are automatically generated based on the last time an item was sold in the Item Shop. Skins that are not physically available, such as Battle Pass, are excluded.

Top 50 Rare Skins Ranking